Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- group of live specimens 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- live specimen closed 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- close-up of fringe 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- close-up of fringe 2
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- foot of live specimen 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- largest specimen from above with 0.1mm division rule 1
Five specimens were found in sediment samples taken from just beyond the low tide mark in front of Penzance Promenade, Penzance, Cornwall, 23.08.20. Echinocardium cordatum, Sea Potato, which the species is associated with were abundant.
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- valve exterior with rule 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- valve exterior with rule 2
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- valve interior with rule 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- valve exteriors 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- valve interiors 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- commensal of Sea potato 1
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- commensal of Sea potato 2
Rusty Montagu-shell
Tellimya ferruginosa
- commensal of Sea potato 3
This species is a commensal of the Sea potato, Echinocardium cordatum, and can be often found at or near its anus.
Shell featured was photographed in a private collection in Cornwall. 24.05.12.
Species found near anus of Sea potato, found in soft sediment on the lowershore at Batten Beach, Mount Batten, Plymouth, Devon; by Dr. Keith Hiscock of the Marine Biological Association, at the MBA Batten Bay Bioblitz 2014. 12.09.14.
Scientific and European Names:
Tellimya ferruginosa, Montacuta ferruginosa, Mya ferruginosa, Rusty Montagu-shell, Ovaal zeeklitschelpje, Ovale zeeklitschelp, Zeeklitmosseltje, Rostrote Mondmuschel.
Scientific and Common Names used are largely gained from from the WoRMS Database.