Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- exterior of shell 2
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- hinge 1
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- shells on flotsam 1
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- shells on flotsam 2
Above specimens found on a piece of plastic flotsam which was washed-up near Hayle, Cornwall. 05.03.16.
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- on flotsam / byssal threads 1
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- on flotsam / byssal threads 2
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- on flotsam / byssal threads 3
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- shell / black background 1
Nesting or Arctic hiatella
Hiatella arctica
- on kelp holdfast 1
Images of this species were taken at Spit Point, Par; and Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall. This species is found in and on Laminaria / Kelp holdfasts, in tests of sea squirts and on flotsam. It attaches by means of byssal threads. Hiatella rugosa is a rock boring species with a red siphon. The species is frequently found with Heteranomia squamula, the Prickly saddle oyster.
Synonyms: Hiatella rugosa (Linnaeus, 1767); but H. rugosa accepted as valid separate species by WoRMS.
See - Hiatella rugosa