Magellan or Ribbed mussel
Aulacomya atra
- shell 1
Magellan or Ribbed mussel
Aulacomya atra
- shell 2
Magellan or Ribbed mussel
Aulacomya atra
- ribs on valve 1
Aulacomya atra is featured here because it has been found in the UK. It is listed as a UK non-native species because it was found on the Moray Firth in Scotland during 1994. I do not know if it has been found more than once, or if it still persists.
Specimen shown is 86mm in length and from the authors collection of non-native marine molluscs. This particular specimen was collected by a fisherman on 21.12.02 at San Antonio Oeste, Rio Negro Province, Argentina where the species is native. Specimen photographed by author, 25.07.18.
Scientific and European Names:
Aulacomya atra, Mytilus crenatus, Magellan Mussel, Cholga Mussel, Ribbed Mussel.