Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- attached to mussels 2
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- attached to mussels 3
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- on sponge 1
Specimens above found on pontoons at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 05.10.18 and numerous specimens seen on washing mussels, 26.08.20.
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- on roof of crevice 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- on roof of crevice 2
Specimens above found on the roof of a crevice just below the extreme low tide mark at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 23.06.17. Five anemones were present in an area 150mm x 150mm.
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- dorsal view 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- anemone 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view on live mussel 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view on live mussel 2
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- opening on live mussel 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view on live mussel 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 2
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view partially closed 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 1
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 2
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 3
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 4
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 5
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 3
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 4
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 5
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 6
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 7
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 8
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 9
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- lateral view 10
Species occurred on mussels and on the side of a pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 02.11.14 and 18.11.14.
Twelve anemones were found in a small sample of scrapings that were taken from the side of a pontoon, and in an area of greater water flow. Species associated with bryozoans and sponges. 18.11.14.
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 6
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- oral view 7
Fairy anemone
Aiptasiogeton pellucidus
var. comatus
- location / Lee Bay 1
Specimen above was found by the author in a crevice on the lowershore at Lee Bay, North Devon during the MBA Bioblitz, 22.09.17.
Species here were originally identified by Rob Durrant and confirmed by Dr. Bernard Picton, Curator of Marine Invertebrates, Department of Natural Sciences, National Museums Northern Ireland.
Oral diameter of specimens approx. 4-5mm, and approx. 8mm in length. Species has previously been reported from Devon and Dorset. This species is either rare or extremely under-recorded in the United Kingdom.
Fairy anemone is a common named that has been given to this anemone by Rob Durrant, and because it is so small, pretty, delicate, and elusive.