Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- on Egg Wrack stipe 2
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- on Egg Wrack stipe 3
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- cross section of gall 1
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- cross section of gall 2
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- nematode 1
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- nematode posterior 1
Ascophyllum galling nematode
Halenchus fucicola
- nematode anterior 1
Specimens of galls found on the stipes of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, Knotted of Egg Wrack, on the middleshore at Hannafore, Cornwall. 29.03.17.
The galls and nematode are same galls as described and photographed for the paper by John W. Coles, Nematodes parasitic on sea weeds of the genera Ascophyllum and Fucus. J. mar. biol. Ass. UK. (1958) 37, 145-155.