Grey Crottle Lichen
Parmelia saxatilis
- on serpentine outcrop 2
Grey Crottle Lichen
Parmelia saxatilis
- on serpentine outcrop 3
Grey Crottle Lichen
Parmelia saxatilis
- on serpentine outcrop 4
Grey Crottle Lichen
Parmelia saxatilis
- on granite wall 1
On granite rock at Sheeps Tor, Sheepstor, near Burrator Reservoir, Dartmoor National Park, Devon. 12.02.06. SX567686; also at Kynance Cove, NW of British Village Stream, Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall. 01.03.11. SW6862713682.
Help with the identification of this species provided by Jenny Seawright at Irish Lichens